Sunday, April 6, 2008

Sunday Thoughts April 6, 2008

This week, on Sunday morning, we talked about some of our favorite books and some of the more meaningful passages in these books. We also shared some of our personal “life principles” that are based on these passages. It was a great time to reconnect with our team and remember who we are working for.

Things be thankful for this week:

1. All of us have had meaningful conversations with students in the past couple weeks. It has been very exciting to see the fruit of our labor as many students start to trust us with some of the deeper issues of their lives.
2. Our departure dates are set, and we should be home by Mid-June!
3. Peter and Shannon have been wedding planning, and everything seems to be falling into place. The college has even given them permission to arrive two weeks late next September as they honeymoon.
4. Classes were canceled on Friday due to a Chinese holiday, and we spent the day running errands with students.
5. Mark Ashbaugh came from Qinhuangdao to visit us during the holiday weekend, and that was a huge encouragement.

Things to continue thinking about:

1. The continuing wedding plans for Peter and Shannon as well as their marriage
2. Our one-on-one time with students
3. English Week from May 22 to June 1st
4. English Club on the Western Campus, April 11th
5. Please continue to remember Mary Link and her family.
6. Please continue to remember my parents. They are currently apart because my mom is taking care of my Grandfather in Iowa as he goes through chemotherapy, and my father is home in Maryland.