Over the past two weeks, Brad and I feel we have vicariously experienced the entire spectrum of life experiences. In both sad and joyful ways, we watched the “circle of life” unfold around us in all its brilliance. We were reminded of the fragility and brevity of life, even as we were reminded of the sacred bonds of friendship and love.
“My life flows on in endless song
Above earth's lamentation.”
The week began with the sad news that Peter’s grandfather had died. He and Peter’s grandmother have been in the care of Peter’s parents for the past year, as their health has declined. Peter was unable to make it home for the funeral, but the rest of his family was able to gather for a memorial service to celebrate his life. They were comforted to know that his suffering and pain were over, but all felt sad to lose a loving husband, father, grandfather, and friend.
“What though the tempest loudly roars,
I hear the truth, it liveth.
What though the darkness round me close,
Songs in the night it giveth.”
We were also sobered with other news. Newt informed us that Lily (who is pregnant and due in October) was experiencing “spotting” of blood. After seeing the doctor, Lily went on 3 weeks of bed rest. Although she and Tony were originally very concerned, it appears that the bleeding has stopped for now, and Lily must focus on resting for the time being. Meanwhile, you can be thinking of them as they lose Lily’s income for the 3 weeks she is resting. Newt also informed us that his wife Claire’s best friend, Mary Link, continues to battle through the last stages of a vicious cancer. Mary and her husband Joe hosted a send-off lunch for our team in August, and they are some of our greatest supporters. They have two handsome young sons, and it is hard on the whole family to see their mother suffering. Mary is remarkably joyful in her pain, and an inspiration to the team as she looks heavenward with peace and hope. In the face of such sobering events, we are reminded that that life is but a breath, that our “days are like grass.”
“No storm can shake my inmost calm
While to that rock I'm clinging.”
In contrast, our week was full of joyful news as well. Brad weighed himself and found out that he’s lost 29 lbs. since he came to China last August! When we come home, I’ll bring half of the husband I brought to China! Our running is paying off, and not just in shedding pounds. Kids wave to us every day, and often run with us around the track as we train. This week a group of PE students pulled me from a 7 mile run to play tag with them during class. Brad and I were also excited to record personal bests this week: He ran 71 miles this week, and I ran 32. It was the most either of us has ever run in one week! Last Thursday we took a huge group of kids to KTV for karaoke, and met Forrest Gump’s new love interest. This Thursday we went rollerblading with a group of my students and their friends, practicing our skateboarding and biking techniques as well. Lunches, dinners, and free time continue to be filled with students as we continue to build friendships and grow together.
“Above the tumult and the strife,
I hear the music ringing.”
Easter weekend brought one joyous celebration after another. On Saturday, we attended the wedding of our Chinese friends Frank and Helen. These two have been mentored by Tony and Lily for some time now, and became engaged in the Fall. Their small wedding at the Chongwenmen Hotel was done in a Western style, but had its own Chinese flair. The bride wore the Western white gown for the ceremony, but changed into the traditional Chinese red gown for the reception. There were adorable flower girls, a best man, a maid of honor, and Newt officiated the ceremony (which was then translated into Chinese). There were photographers everywhere, and the bride threw the bouquet (which was caught by the maid of honor). We teased Shannon when she came back empty-handed, and said she had to more aggressive to get that bouquet! The reception featured a wide array of Chinese dishes, dedications, storytelling (how the couple met and fell in love), giving money gifts (in Chinese red envelopes), and a slide show featuring photos of the happy couple. We foreigners even sang a song together, and Peter sang a Chinese song solo! We had a great time, and felt so honored to be included in the wedding of our friends.
“I hear the real, though far off hymn
That hails the new creation”
The best part of the wedding for our team had little to do with the wedding itself. After the ceremony, Peter pulled us all together in a huddle and said in a low voice, “I just wanted to let you guys know…tomorrow I’m going to ask Shannon to marry me.” The rest of us thought he was teasing, and then were giddy with excitement. We were so happy for them; it was all we could do to keep his secret for 24 hours. As we talked about engagements and weddings, we smiled knowing that Shannon would have her own engagement to discuss in the morning. On Easter morning, Shannon woke happy and peaceful. She strolled around the Zhang’s apartment singing to herself, and anticipating a morning walk with Peter. Peter and Brad arrived, and then Peter and Shannon left for their walk. Once they were gone, the rest of us were just silly with happiness. Brad hung out the window with the video camera for the next hour, hoping to catch site of them as they returned. Newt and I made breakfast and set the table, as we all reminisced about our own engagements. Newt said that Peter felt he’d need 15 minutes to propose to Shannon. 50 minutes later, the happy couple made their way back to the Zhang’s apartment.
“It sounds an echo in my soul
How can I keep from singing?”
When Peter and Shannon returned, Brad was ready with the video camera, even filming them through the “peep hole” in the door. We cheered as they entered, and Peter took Shannon by the shoulders and said, “I’d like to introduce you all to my new fiancĂ©e!” Shannon appeared to have overcome her original shock, yelling, “We’re getting married!” We wanted every detail, which they shared with delight. Peter had led Shannon on a walk, and they were thinking out loud together as they walked. Then Peter told Shannon that he wanted to sit down, but seemed to have some difficulty in finding a proper place to sit. Then, once seated, he began to talk seriously about their relationship. Shannon was a little suspicious when she saw a box in his pocket, but did not realize the significance of it. Then Peter told her that he wanted her to spend the rest of her life with him, and asked her to marry him. Shannon was so surprised, that he had to ask twice! She did, of course, say “yes.” And the rest is history. After a loud and happy Easter breakfast, Shannon and Peter called Shannon’s family on the phone with the good news, and Shannon laughed because they had known all week that this was the day.
“When friends rejoice both far and near,
How can I keep from singing?”
The rest of Easter rolled by with the quality of a dream. “Congratulations” for the happy couple everywhere we went. A great Easter service at BICF. Mexican and American food at Texas Pete’s. Grocery shopping at Jenny Lou’s. Engagement photos by the street outside. A train ride home, lesson planning, and a week of wedding planning. Engagement photos, phone calls, e-mails, and setting a date. Peter and Shannon’s joy rubbed off on all of us all weekend and all week, and all of our spirits remain high. Their happiness is contagious, and we have all been delighted to share in their joy.
“Since love is lord of heaven and earth
How can I keep from singing?”
Thank you for all the love you give us through your thoughts and support. Hardly a day goes by that we do not think of you and feel so much gratitude that you have seen fit to share in this journey with us. Please keep Peter’s family, Lily Zhang, Mary Link, Frank & Helen’s marriage, and Peter & Shannon’s engagement in your thoughts. Thank you for everything you give, out of love with which it was given to you.
“This peace of his makes fresh my heart,
a fountain ever springing!
All things are mine since I am his!
How can I keep from singing?”
Jess and Brad
“My Life Flows On” (How Can I Keep from Singing) Lyrics by Robert Lowry, 1860