Unveil me? …Unveil me!
Unveil me to reflect your glory; strip everything away, and transform me. Everything that is of me, strip it away. Everything that is pride, arrogance, envy, slander, and folly…strip it away. Everything that is unclean, strip it away! Strip it away, and replace it with “love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.”
Strip it away and replace it with those attributes that best reflect your glory. Not my glory, but yours! Please Father, less of me and more of you.
Why we are grateful this week:
1) We had a game night with students on Tuesday, and we had a blast. 11 of us played “Signs” and “Spoons” (with chopsticks!) for about two hours. It was good to laugh and play together!
2) Tony visited this week on Wednesday and spent the night. The team went to dinner and lunch with him and the students. It was encouraging to spend time together.
3) Friday night’s English Club went well. About 250 students packed the room, and Shannon gave an awesome talk!
4) Jessie had a great time eating lunch with some of her favorite students this week: Catherine, Cassie, and Lily. After observing Jessie and I interacting in our home, Catherine told Jessie, “I think that you are the happiest woman alive!”
5) The heat has been turned on in our apartments! No more cold nights until mid-March.
Please continue to “think” about us:
1) I will be traveling to the United States on Wednesday the 19th for one week. I should arrive in DC around 7pm on Wednesday, and I should be landing in Beijing on the following Tuesday night. It will be a quick turn-around so please keep my travel plans in your thoughts. I am looking forward to the opportunity to reconnect with friends and family.
2) Jessie already has lunches scheduled for next week with Catherine, Joy, Sally, and Danielle. Please be thinking of her during these times.
3) You can keep Jessie’s health in your thoughts as she is often nauseous and finds most foods unappetizing. She continues to feel fatigued and coughs a lot due to a bad cold.
4) Next Saturday Jessie will be going to the Philip Hayden Foundation with Peter, Shannon, Jess Shamblee, and Wil & Courtney Corder. We know it will be a great experience for all involved.
All in His name,